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This tutorial discusses the basic concepts of object oriented programming (OOP). This includes object behaviour and attributes aswell as constructors.
Source :http://jntuk.edu.in
Introduction : Creation of Java, importance of Java to internet, byte code, Java buzzwords, OOP Principles, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism, data types, variables, declaring variables, dynamic initialization, scope and life time of variables, arrays, operators, control statements, type conversion and casting, compiling and running of simple Java program.
Classes and Objects : Concepts of classes and objects, class fundamentals Declaring objects, assigning object reference variables, introducing methods,constructors, usage of static with data and methods, usage of final with data, access control, this key word, garbage collection, overloading methods and constructors,
parameter passing – call by value, recursion,nested classes and inner classes, exploring the String class.
Inheritance : Basic concepts, member access rules, usage of super key word, forms of inheritance, method overriding, abstract classes, dynamic method dispatch, using final with inheritance, the Object class.
Packages and Interfaces : Defining, Creating and Accessing a Package, Understanding CLASSPATH, importing packages, differences between classes and interfaces, defining an interface, implementing interface, applying interfaces, variables in interface and extending interfaces.
Exception Handling and Multithreading : Concepts of Exception handling, types of exceptions, usage of try, catch, throw, throws and finally keywords, Built-in exceptions, creating own exception sub classes, Concepts of Multithreading, differences between process and thread, thread life cycle,creating multiple threads using Thread class, Runnable interface, Synchronization, thread priorities, inter thread communication, daemon threads,deadlocks, thread groups.
Event Handling : Events, Event sources, Event classes, Event Listeners, Delegation event model, handling mouse and keyboard events, Adapter classes. AWT : Concepts of components, container, panel, window, frame, canvas, Font class, Color class and
AWT Controls : Buttons, Labels, Text fields, Text area, Check boxes, Check box groups, Lists, Choice, Scrollbars, Menus, Layout Managers – Flow, Border,Grid, Card and Gridbag. Swing – JApplet, JFrame and JComponent, Icons and Labels, Handling threading issues, text fields, buttons – The JButton class, Check boxes, Radio buttons, Combo boxes, Tabbed Panes, Scroll Panes, Trees, and Tables. Applets – Concepts of Applets, differences between applets and applications,life cycle of an applet, types of applets, creating applets, passing parameters to applets.
Networking and Java Library : Basics of Networking, Inetaddress, TCP/IP sockets, Datagrams, URL, URL connection, String handling, java.util, java.io and java.net packages.
1. The Complete Reference Java J2SE 5th Edition, Herbert Schildt, TMH Publishing Company Ltd, NewDelhi.
2. Big Java 2nd Edition, Cay Horstmann, John Wiley and Sons.
1. Java How to Program, Sixth Edition, H.M.Dietel and P.J.Dietel, Pearson Education/PHI
2. Core Java 2, Vol 1, Fundamentals, Cay.S.Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Core Java 2, Vol 2, Advanced Features, Cay.S.Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education.
4. Beginning in Java 2, Iver Horton, Wrox Publications.
5. Java, Somasundaram, Jaico.
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